Soul Steppin
The arrival at the steps of self-love can often be a long, arduous journey.
Many of us spend a majority of our lives tumbling, bumbling, stammering and zig zagging along and possibly never arriving at the first step.
We have unknowingly allowed the voices of others to become our own and we mistake its disguise and giving it permission, for it to become entwined in our spirit.
When we do our “work,” we can arrive at the first step, the beginning of true self-love.
We may taste self-acceptance and the possibilities of what that looks and feels like. Self-awareness and knowing where you sit in your truth creates shifts in the gut, heart and thought.
Events happen on your way as your travel up to the next step and the next and possibly knock you off center or maybe even down to the steps below.
But then you realize that you didn’t descend to the first step, like any muscle, you have practiced the art of working out these internal tissues of gentle self-reliance.
So as you cradle your own heart and let it expand,
You keep stepping.
No longer at the place, you used to be, and becoming interested in the journey itself into unknown territory,
You keep stepping.
Looking back and smiling to say thank you for it all,
You keep stepping,
And knowing that if in action our direction isn’t moving towards self-love, the same step we stay.